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Москва (английский)

Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
Москва (английский)
ISBN 978-3-86922-834-1
3 600 p
Общий склад: в наличии
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Архитектурный путеводитель (пересмотренное и обновленное издание)

Peter Knoch

Edited by Philipp Meuser and Anna Martovitskaya

For generations, the trilogy of the Kremlin, Red Square, and the GUM department store marked the undisputed centre of Moscow. The last decades brought sweeping changes to the Russian capital. Today the biggest city in Europe and undoubtfully the heart of Eurasia has many centres. Its new squares and parks have set unprecedented standards in urban design. And the city continues to grow not least due to the construction of gigantic housing complexes and multifunctional projects. This book guides you through Moscows history, from the fifteenth century to the present day, taking you to well-known landmarks, industrial areas and residential districts. It includes more than 550 buildings, structures, parks and squares. Well-researched descriptions provide in-depth information on the built environment, while detailed maps and QR codes make it easy to find all the featured projects.

This volume was prepared in cooperation with the Moscow City Tourism Committee. It is published In English and Russian on the occasion of the 875th anniversary of the city of Moscow, which was celebrated in 2022.

Мягкая обложка
Количество страниц: 560
Формат книги: 135 x 245 мм
Количество иллюстраций: 2000
Язык издания: английский

ISBN 978-3-86922-834-1

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